克劳德·李维斯·施特劳斯(Claude Levi Strauss)的bricolage概念

In野蛮的头脑((1962), the French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss used the word bricolage to describe the characteristic patterns of mythological thought. Bricolage is the skill of using whatever is at hand and recombining them to create something new. Levi-Strauss compares the working of the bricoleur and the engineer. The bricoleur, who is the “savage mind”, works with his hands in devious ways, puts pre-existing things together in new ways, and makes do with whatever is at hand. What Levi-Strauss points out here is that signs already in existence are used for purposes that they were originally not meant for.

The working of the bricoleur is parallel to the construction of mythological narratives. As opposed to the bricoleur, the engineer, who is the “scientific mind”, is a true craftsman in that he deals with projects in entirety, taking into account the availability of materials, and creating new tools. Drawing a parallel, Levi-Strauss argues that mythology functions more like the bricoleur, whereas modern western science works more like an engineer. He suggests that the engineer creates a holistic totalising system, in which there are elements of permanence.

德里达结构标志和播放批评李维斯·斯特劳斯(Levi-Strauss)对工程师总体叙事的概念,认为任何人都不可能成为“他自己话语的绝对起源”或“构建他的语言,语法和词典的总体”。因此 - 他指出,工程师是由野牛创造的神话,因为如果工程师不那么沉闷和不想象力,那么毛bricoleur就不会那么令人兴奋和发明。一旦我们停止相信这样的工程师,并且一旦我们承认每个有限的话语都受到一定的bricolage的束缚,并且工程师也是一个bricoleur,那么Bricolage所占据其含义的区别就会崩溃。。德里达(Derrida)认为,基于布里科莱奇(Bricolage),李维斯·斯特劳斯(Levi-Strauss)关于神话的论述试图放弃“所有提及中心,对主体,特权参考,对起源的参考”的论述,他的话语是分散的。




Derrida contrasts the bricoleur to the engineer. The engineer designs buildings which have to be solid and have little or no play; the engineer wants to create stable systems or nothing at all. Derrida talks about the engineer as the person who sees himself as the center of his own discourse, the origin of his own language. This guy thinks he speaks language, he originates language, from his own unique existence and experience. The humanist is usually an engineer in this respect.

The idea of bricolage produces a new way to talk about, and think about, systems and structures without falling into the trap of trying to build a new stable system out of the ruins of a deconstructed one. It provides a way to think without establishing a new center, a privileged reference, an origin, a truth. It also inspires creativity and originality, making possible new ways of putting things together.

所有系统都属于无限游戏和永恒稳定性之间的连续体。德里达(Derrida)认为,西方文化一直是似乎稳定的,希望始终保持不变的系统的偏爱和期望的系统 - 接近他所谓的“充分存在”,没有游戏,流动性或不确定性。这样的系统当然是不可能的。每个系统都包含其自身的矛盾和不稳定性,而解构可能会发现。

每个文本都制作的语言体系没有可辨认的中心 - 没有语言的“神”决定每个单词的含义。作为语言用户,我们希望语言可以双向工作。我们希望语言成为一个稳定的结构,以便单词具有确定的含义:当我说“传递盐”时,我希望您知道我的意思而不必解释我的话。我们希望语言有很多游戏,要模棱两可,以便我们可以对一个单词有多种含义。这就是使双关语和诗歌成为可能的原因。我们可能想区分“日常”语言,在这里我们使用单词进行交流并希望这些单词具有相对固定的含义和“文学”语言,我们在其中使用单词来流动性,因为单词的玩法令人愉悦。





    1. 爱尔兰边境的民俗和世界观 - 威斯康星大学出版社博客
    2. 历史上的舞蹈
    3. The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu – Literary Theory and Criticism Notes
    4. 人类学批评:论文 - 文学理论和批评指出俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播
    5. 结构主义 - 文学理论和批评指出俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播
    6. 龙的ho积:最终草稿,最终研究论文 - 参加我自己的新生作品课
    7. 结构主义 - 文学理论和批评指出俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播
    8. 小饰品,小玩意和好奇的东西 - 潘多拉的失落礼物
    9. 结构主义– Literary Theory and Criticism

