
在20世纪的最后二十年中,次要研究,,,,postcolonial theory and criticism gained momentum, especially, as a corollary to globalisation in the第三世界国家。如果后殖民批评被视为后现代主义,下altern研究从Marxism,,,,后结构主义并成为后殖民批评的一部分。

“Subaltern”, meaning “of inferior rank”, is a term adopted byAntonio Gramsci指的是那些工人阶级的人前苏联who are subject to the hegemony of the ruling classes. Subaltern classes may include peasants, workers and other groups denied access to hegemonic power.Gramsci史学次级“班级”。



该术语已被从事后肉体研究次级研究小组,,,,a team of historians, who aimed to promote systematic discussion of subaltern themes in南亚学习。它在次级研究中被用作南亚社会从属属性的一般属性的名称,无论是在阶级,性别种族等方面表达的。该小组是由Ranajit Guha并包括Shahid Amin,,,,大卫·阿诺德(David Arnold),,,,Partha Chatterjee,,,,大卫·哈迪曼(David Hardiman)Dipesh Chakrabarty, 和Gyanendra Pandey。该小组制作了5卷的次要研究 - 与次要的历史,政治,经济学和社会学以及态度,意识形态和信仰体系有关的论文。换句话说,次要研究将自己定义为试图允许人们在精英史学的页面中讲话,并在这样做,说话或发出真正被压迫的声音。该小组的开创性论文选定的下层研究(1988)由Ranajit GuhaGayatri Spivak,,,,with a foreward by爱德华说

Gayatri Spivak的概念获得了加耶特里·斯皮瓦克(Gayatri Spivak)的突出性和货币的概念次要可以说话吗? (1985) which was a commentary on the work of the Subaltern Studies Group, questioning and exposing their patronizing attitude. Contradictory to the stereotyping tendencies found in Said’sOrientalism以及其他类似的文本(假定殖民压迫为整体化),Spivak适应了德里德(Derridean)的解构技术,以指出不同形式的主题形成和“其他形式”。Spivak的大部分想法都通过她与'Ranajit Guha和Dipesh Chakrabarty在内的“ Subaltern研究小组”的互动所告知。斯皮瓦克(Spivak)表明,不可能恢复次要的声音,暗示了殖民地镇压的难以想象的程度及其与父权制的历史相交 - 她特别提到了殖民辩论widow immolation在印度。如学者所观察到的拉塔·玛尼(Lata Mani),,,,in the colonial discussions on the practice of Sati, the Indian widow is absent as a subject and that the subject is denied a space to speak from.She suggests that etite native men have found a way to “speak”, but for those, .further down the hierarchy, self representation is almost impossible.


然而,斯皮瓦克坚持次要“沉默”已受到攻击贝尼塔·帕里(Benita Parry),在她对Spivak对Jean Rhys的阅读的批评中宽阔的萨尔加索海作为“故意对本地声音的耳聋,可以听到。”帕里(Parry)认为,这种耳聋源于斯皮瓦克(Spivak)的次要沉默理论,该理论将“绝对力量归因于霸权话语。帕里(Parry)与霍米·巴巴(Homi Bhabha)一起断言殖民者的文字包含一个本地的声音,尽管是一个矛盾的声音。殖民文字的杂种in the words of Bhabha means that the subaltern has spoken.

The historian of modern India,Gyan Prakash,指出,次要研究项目是从马克思主义,结构主义,后现代主义,葛兰西和福柯,现代西方和印度,档案研究和文本批评的结合中引起其力量的。


Members of the Subaltern Studies group felt that although Marxist historians produced impressive and pioneering studies, their claim to represent the history of the masses remained debatable. Their main thesis is that colonialist, nationalist and Marxist interpretations of Indian history had robbed the common people of their agency. The subaltern studies collective thus announced a new approach to restore agency to the subordinated, in order to rectify the elitist bias characteristic of much academic work in South Asian studies. The subaltern’s agency was restored by theorizing that the elite in India played a dominant role and not simply a hegemonic one. Thus, with the logic of this theory, the subaltern were made into autonomous historical actors, who then seemingly acted on their own, since , they were not seen to be led by the elite.


其他关于精英/殖民话语的次要著作包括大卫·阿诺德(David Arnold)在印度身体,疾病和医学方面的工作;Gyanendra Pandey对“印度殖民地的共产主义建设”和伯纳德·科恩(Bernard Cohn)关于语言和殖民司令的文章。Partha Chatterjee,,,,Sudipta KavirajDipesh Chakrabarty坚持“印度国家不是发现的对象,而是发明的对象。”国家的叙述隐藏了国家结构中的矛盾,意识形态矛盾,裂缝和破裂,并呈现一个统一国家的情况。对国家叙事的这种同质化与现代性胜利的宏大叙述相吻合。

Spivak指出,通过这种做法,被压迫者变得更加沉默,因为他/她不能/不说话,而是说话。次要意识是精英话语的构造,正是由于这种话语,它们的边缘性得以维持。罗伯特J.C. Young,,,,in his commentary on Spivak, observes that subaltern woman has her identity only within the patriarchal and imperialist discourse. Spivak, in a later work,国际框架中的法国女权主义(1987年)在调查第三世界妇女面临的问题时讨论了法国女权主义者的讽刺意味。




  1. Good notes


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