

西方黑人女权主义思想的主要极性,尤其是在英国的背景下,是在美国和英国的术语和政治之间。为了the purposes of United States politics, ‘Black’ is a term referring to the African-American population, whereas Asian-Americans (meaning both South Asians and, for example, Chinese, Korean, Filipina descendants), Latinas and Native Americans are categorised as ‘people of colour’. In Britain, ‘Black’ is a political category often describing Asians (referring to people of the subcontinent), Africans and Afro-Caribbeans, with often a wider inclusion of ‘non-White’ people.

The current US preference for racial categorisation based on country or continent of origin or descent, hyphenated with national identity (as in ‘African- American’) over the politicised term ‘Black’, as well as the retaining of the term ‘Third World’ for North American ‘people of colour’, at once blurs and begs the distinction between国家的文化身份。The attempt, in the British context, to sub-categorise ‘Black’ into ‘more accurate’ sections, as in the 1991 Census 1 can result in a de-politicising of the term and a further obfuscation/ exclusion of various ‘Black’ identities under a spuriously scientific ‘comprehensiveness’. The titles, ‘Black Other’, or ‘Any other ethnic group’ marks the bearer as ‘更多的other than Black’.

The shifting meanings of ‘Black’ as a racial, cultural, national or political term has implications for the development and meanings of Black feminisms. The relationship between the terms ‘Black’ and ‘feminism’ allows for a sustained critique, both of the feminist movement and identities, and of Black politics.

从1979年最初构思的选集开始,可以追溯到新的交流和新联盟的原始性和暴力。Moraga和Anzaldúa的这座桥Called My Back(1983年)对于从现在可以承认的对立领土中的东西来说,这是至关重要的文本。它的字幕,‘激进女性的著作‘ immediately shifts these alliances into a political space that allows for connections ‘capable of spanning borders of nation and ethnicity’.2 What this means for an anthology emerging from United States feminist radicalism in the late 1970s and early 1980s is a reconfiguration of identity politics around ‘Third World’ immigrant women and African-American women. The internationalism of the text, its insistence that both connections and contentions with the United States will form the basis of ‘political necessity’,3 is one that is still, in 1983, a fraught and uneasy alliance of differences.

本选集中政治论点的“第三世界”层面是基于中央和南美,加勒比海和南非的问题,主要包含在女权主义运动的政治中。托尼·卡德·班巴拉(Toni Cade Bambara)的前言(Moraga andAnzaldúa1983)指出了几个作品背后的“最初动机”,包括需要“抗议,抱怨或向白人女权主义者潜在的盟友解释其他纽带和愿景”。在此之后,白人女权主义变得次要,甚至是多余的:“研究联盟将唤醒我们的新任务的过程”(1983:vi)。

莫拉加(Moraga)的原始序言支持班巴拉(Bambara)的情感,将白人女权主义者称为“所谓的姐妹”(1983:xiii)。其他作家在选集中反映了她的引言中出现的普遍冲突,并证明了女权运动和文化隶属关系的并发症。莫拉加(Moraga)的女同性恋身份至关重要,是对她与妇女身份的排他性威胁有色人种。Drawing attention to a continuing political thread throughout the text, Moraga launches an attack on separatism as the luxury of White feminism and the unacceptable sacrifice of feminists of colour: ‘But the deepest political tragedy I have experienced is how with such grace, such blind faith, this commitment to women in the feminist movement grew to be exclusive and reactionary.我打电话给我的白人姐妹‘(1983:xiv)。

对白人主导的女权主义的直接挑战以及不断基于更广泛运动的持续挑战,这使得不同的文化/种族社区和政治是重要方面这座桥Called My Back。对女性之间关系的关注提供了对阶级,种族和文化问题的审查,这些问题有望攻击任何女权主义的观念,以此作为迎接他人的稳定场所。


在女权主义背景下,这些对差异和冲突的认识使得这座桥黑人女权主义写作中的重要里程碑。非裔美国女权主义将“第三世界”引入“第三世界”,可以讨论种族,经济和民族问题,这些问题是定义黑人女权主义的紧张局势的关键点。陈述Chrystos,作为美国原住民,“我怕白人”(1983:68),针对(白人)女权主义团体的声明,可以与莫拉加的焦虑一起阅读为奇卡纳关于黑人女同性恋者:“黑色堤防……我感到不理我,因为我看上去是白人而写下来的”(1983:xvii)。如果不是(一定是)身体知名度的“有色人种”,那么文本中文本的重点是文化,经济和社会问题之间滑动,谈判和质疑种族认同的局限性和含义。在这里,黑人妇女在这里被代表为更大的“第三世界”运动中的另一个种族,这也融入了日裔美国人。That Black Americans are not ‘Third World’ peoples or new immigrants allows the text to indirectly highlight the diferences between African American and Black feminisms and to insist on the non-comprehensiveness of African-American feminisms for theories and politics of race, culture or class.

选集中的每一章都是这些限制内的自我分类。重复说:“我站在这里……我是……”,引起人们对二十世纪后期的关注,对双重或次国家类别以及有所不同。从一个角度看,选集刷出了冲突,而女权主义将女权主义分裂成脱节和暴力划定的群体(或个人)。再次看了看,“可怜的妇女,黑人和第三世界妇女以及女同性恋者”(奥德雷·洛德(Audre Lorde),在莫拉加(Moraga)和安扎尔德(Anzaldúa)1983:98)允许联盟,以供加剧和改变。这些不言而喻的联盟和认同的暂时性在1979年以如此绝望和紧张的态度成为迄今为止黑人女权主义最重要的挑战之一。


与毛毡,记忆或隐藏差异可见的联盟的困难在选集中表现出了有问题的统一性,尤其是在某些有色女性(不明显地)视为黑色的有色女性的著作中表现出了自己的统一性。Rosario Morales, for example, who accounts for herself as ‘indian bones … spanish sounds’, also describes an ambiguous social position: ‘what I do remember is to walk in straight and white into the store and say good morning in my see how white how upper class how refined and kind voice all crisp with consonants bristling with syllables’ (1983: 108).

Here, the confusion of racial identity with class identity, both of which are revealed as indicative of each other, succeeds in assessing ‘true’ Black identity as being at odds with an ambiguous, invisible identity that is, nevertheless, Black, or ‘of colour’. The accepted community of Black women in other sections of the text is here disrupted with the anxiety, ‘you don’t belong’ (1983: 108). This anguished ambiguity sits uncomfortably alongside the Black Feminist Statement from the ‘Combahee River Collective’ that very clearly and coherently sets out the agenda, meaning, genesis and beliefs of Black feminist organisation, stating that the Black feminist is what is distinguishable from and between Black (male) liberation movements and the White left (1983: 211).

选集中论文和思想的始终如一的对立立场,在与(社区,集体,可见,明显的或白人,男性……)的差异方面不断地定义了非白人女性身份。在自我定义过程中,身份的愤怒和暴力。将一系列历史,家庭和文化主观性置于“有色妇女”的困难旗帜下,以攻击各种职位的女权政治。女权主义身份成为一个不安的联盟,谈判差异,解释性,阶级,遗产,文化甚至种族的意义和有效性的问题。许多文学和政治言论的基础的精神构想证明了该卷试图代表的替代自我定义的奉献。GloriaAnzaldúa的《塔罗牌的阅读》(1983:246),Cherrie Moraga对占星术的信仰(1983:248)和《最后的卷》,撰写的最后一部分,Chrystos,指导自己寻找北美资本主义以外的其他生活方式。Chrystos“声称我们已经失去了神圣的联系”(1983:244)为这本书的“替代”价值观的介绍增加了一种最终愿景。

这种“替代性”的精神重新定义在爱丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker)的写作中出现了黑人女权主义者或“女性主义者”,其对黑人女权主义批评和政治的贡献至关重要。爱丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker)在1983年的论文集中拒绝对黑人妇女的“女权主义者”一词,是对文化差异和自己(黑人,南部)社区意识的回应。沃克(WalkerLoves精神”(1984:xii)。4

In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens,从1970年到1980年代初写的论文,是一个强调“家庭”,忠诚和根源的意义的集合。The South is the place of ‘the people’ who provide the emotional energy of the writing: ‘I see the same faces, hear the same soft voices, take a nip, once in a while, of the same rich mellow corn, or wine’ (1971: 138). Looking to the South for ‘wholeness’ (1975: 48) and for ‘continuity’ (1976: 13), Walker’s sense of herself as a ‘Black revolutionary artist’ (1971: 130) is linked indissolubly to her sense of origins and to her sense of connection with a Southern Black community and identity: ‘And when I write about the people there, in the strangest way it is as if I am not writing about them at all, but about myself. The artist then is the voice of the people, but she is also The People’ (1971: 138).

关于归属,身份和说话的这种确定性,可以定义的“人民”与沃克与存在的冲突,新兴和分裂的主观性对比这座桥。沃克(Walker)的重新发现和对像佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿(Zora Neale Hurston)这样的黑色文艺复兴时期作家的普及,对她来说是发掘家庭的逻辑。在她的标题文章中In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens,沃克(Walker)对母亲的未著名艺术性的悼词不仅成为美国人的见证,而且成为了长期的非洲遗产(1974:243)。对美国和南部国家以外社区的认可成为沃克写作的中心点,她对自己的感觉发言人在国际或其他黑人女权主义的背景下,社区成为更大,更有问题的主张。

随着她的小说的出版拥有欢乐的秘密((1992), Walker’s presentation of ‘African’ culture (in general) under American feminist judgement, reveals the difficulties of her position as spokesperson for all Black women. Her loyal allegiance to the United States in terms of ‘freedom’ and escape allows her to represent the ‘barbarity’ of African practices (including the undifferentiated practices of clitoridectomy, excision and infibulation) as part of a larger state of cultural unfreedom. Africa as victim needing American feminisman Africa to which Walker makes unhesitating claimpoints towards the dangers of internationalist Black feminism within the United States. The dimension in her previous writing of spiritual communion with her foremothers becomes a difficulty when applied over cultural and national borders. The complicated and uncertain union between the ‘Third World’ perspective and Black feminism in这座桥可以在这里召回作为条件和纠正措施。

The institutionalisation of Black feminism in the United States becomes solidified through collections such as家庭女孩:黑人女权主义选集(1983)。家庭女孩着手促进黑人女权主义,这与白人主导的女权运动和黑人的独特关注都不同。芭芭拉·史密斯(Barbara Smith)随后能够在1983年陈述“我们有自己的运动”(1983:xxxi)。选集作为代表黑人女权主义形式的选择是一种重要的选集,允许,如这座桥,一系列的政治思想,关注和方法共同存在,并给人以领域的印象。作为芭芭拉·史密斯把它放在她的介绍中家庭女孩:‘将许多声音汇集在一起​​的选集似乎特别适合有色女性的多种问题”(1983:XLIX)。这种多种问题涵盖了诸如主题女同性恋,黑人女性艺术家,家庭,文化和女权组织。

The significance of the concept of ‘home’ in the title-one of the concepts that is central to Alice Walker’s ideaslies in the longing for, or realisation of, a place from which to speak. This place of self and recognition is also a place to claim and to own. It provides the possibility of being an insider: ‘Home has always meant a lot to people who are ostracized as racial outsiders in the public sphere. It is above all a place to be ourselves’ (1983: li).


但是,该系列中的最后一篇文章,从许多方面来说,最重要的是恰好解决了本期的归属和财产问题。伯尼斯·约翰逊·里根(Bernice Johnson Reagon)‘sCoalition Politics: Turning the Century通过不断研究“家庭”的含义,即可处理女权联盟的困难,危险和必需品。如果“家庭”是文化和种族安全,命名和定义的确定性,那么联盟与“家庭”无关。为了雷贡在黑人公民权利的背景下,女权主义联盟的思想涉及将不同妇女入侵女权主义,以及其通过冲突和灵活性不断重新定义。对她而言,这并不涉及将类似女性的舒适拥抱到一个安全的地方:‘在您必须付出的联盟中,这与您的家不同。您不能一直呆在那里”(1983:359)。

芭芭拉·史密斯(Barbara Smith)后来的文章在岩石和艰难的地方:黑人和犹太妇女之间的关系(1984年)通过探索非洲美国人和伊维什妇女之间的关系,尤其是在女权主义运动中,继续存在联盟和自我检查的问题。她的明确说法是:“我是反犹太主义”(1984:69),并没有让她拥有一个安全的位置,并允许她诚实地讨论联盟和冲突的可能性,甚至是犹太人和黑人妇女之间的竞争。史密斯的论文拒绝了“排名……压迫”(1984:75)的诱惑,考虑了两组之间的联系以及不信任,强调(提到雷贡早先的作品)是联盟政治的积极和重要的性质。在整个作品中,将黑人妇女称为“第三世界”,这使两个明显内部未分化的群体之间有明确的论点。然而,“黑色”类别在国家和文化边界上都模糊不清。

Carole Boyce Davies的文字黑人妇女,写作和身份(1994)解决了这种趋势将黑人和黑人女性归因于特定地点或文化经验的趋势。以黑人妇女(IM-)移民的经历为她的主要榜样,博伊斯·戴维斯坚持对黑人妇女在地方和国家之间的身份进行持续重新谈判。这样,黑人女性和黑人女权主义就无法分为特定的历史或一套关注。博伊斯·戴维斯“强调“在多个位置存在的迁移主观性”(1994:4)也指出了姓名,地点和历史悠久的命令,与谁和谁一起讲话的必要性。她对美国作为主要象征,因此通过出版和文化力量的标志是黑人女权主义的定义者:“因此,“因此,主要在美国写作中识别黑人妇女的写作是为了与我们的霸权认同”(1994:4)。



海蒂·萨菲亚·米尔扎(Heidi Safia Mirza)读者,Black British Feminism(1997年),围绕着对“黑色”的包容性解释,作为一个类似于美国的“黑人”,“有色女性”和“第三世界女性”的术语。

英国和非洲国家的黑人女权主义写作背后的不同历史为政治身份提供了不同的条件。对于非洲加勒比海,亚洲和非洲英国女权主义者而言,与“第三世界”主观性的联系通常是细微的,通常是通过家庭经验更直接的家庭经验,而不是美国的黑人女权主义者写作中的普遍经验。由于后殖民移民的最新定居,英国黑人女权主义的历史相对较短(尽管英国黑人的历史,尤其是在加的夫港,利物浦,布里斯托尔,布里斯托尔,伦敦,跨越殖民历史的历史,1984) is inexorably tied to issues of migration, re-location, ‘origins’ and cultural difference. The cultural stake in the nation of Britain is frequently problematised as well as energised by personal or familial memories of arrival.

选集,祖国(1991年),强调“第三世界”起源对英国女权主义者的写作的强大影响。“祖国”一词与流放,渴望和流离失所的历史有关,编辑,Susheila Nasta‘s stated aim in the Introduction, to ‘generate a cross-cultural dialogue between critics and writers whether in ”First” or “Third” worlds’ (1991: xviii), reveals the intention of the book to remain sensitive to national/cultural specificities. The third section of the text, ‘Absent and Adopted Mother(land)s’, underlines the project’s concern with connections, with the liminalities of nations and homes, and with the continual renegotiation of racial and cultural identities. ‘Home Girls’, particularly in this section, gains a complicated and layered set of meanings, analysing the writing of immigrants and migrants whose home is both present and elsewhere.


集合中不止一次讨论的文本是ama ata aidoo小说,我们姐姐Killjoy(1977)。作为绘制欧洲一名加纳妇女的经历的叙述,该文本是探索白人/西方和非洲妇女之间对话困难的地方。帝国主义的历史以及种族主义和剥削的现实是娘娘腔对妇女之间洲际移民和种族间友谊的分析。本文的特殊性除了诗歌和散文的融合,字母形式,自传讲话和第三人称叙事之外,还同时承认非洲压迫和种族主义的暴力以及两位女性之间关系的代表这奇怪地扭转了预期的功率结构。流派的合并和作者地址的转变将叙事声音和表达的关注放在叙事控制的重要性上。这样,Sissie和Marija之间的关系与知识的位置有关,Sissie对Marija的情感依赖性采取了“男性”立场。




后现代的黑人女权主义身份……不仅基于种族主义和压迫,还基于认识到种族隔和性别身份的流动性和分散性。从这个意义上讲,我们可以从身份政治的库尔德(Cul de Sac)中恢复主观性,并以强大的,有意识的政治机构形式来恢复它。(Mirza 1997:13)

贝尔·胡克斯(Bell Hooks)的论文,后现代黑人,探讨后现代主义理论对黑人政治的相关性。她认识到后现代主义对黑人政治施加的威胁非常重要,并揭示了后现代主义对黑人女权主义的困难和危险。作为对身份政治的批评,可以看出,波特现代主义威胁着对种族主义社会和机构现实的反对声音的形成和维持。正如Pratibha Parmar所说:

主张个人和集体身份作为黑人妇女一直是一个必要的历史过程,无论是赋予和加强的力量。像黑人妇女一样自觉地组织起来,并且继续很重要。这种形式的组织不是任意的,而是基于对我们共同的经济和文化压迫的政治分析。(Parmar 1987:68)

However, postmodernism’s deconstruction of ‘the subject’, including ‘the Black subject’, or ‘the Black female subject’ can also be seen as liberating the diversity of Black lived experience and subjectivities: ‘Such a critique allows us to affirm multiple black identities, varied black experience. It also challenges colonial imperialist paradigms of black identity which represent blackness one-dimensionally in ways that reinforce and sustain white supremacy’ (钩1991:28)。

The autonomy of definition is a major issue within Black feminisms. However, this issue has a range of dimensions, as this brief ‘narrative’ of Black feminisms reveals. The layering of antagonisms, of conflicts and struggles that Black feminisms have undergone, whether within the general feminist movement, within cultural/racial communities, and, finally, between continents and cultures, defies any easy definition of a politics or an identity. The insistent need for an awareness of global inequalities and cultural difference, initially called for by Black feminisms, is a difficulty and an ongoing project within and between Black feminisms. In conclusion, the novel,我们姐姐Killjoy,对定义自己和他人的陷阱和危险提供了有用且有说服力的评论:“我知道每个人都称您为Sissie,但是您的名字是什么?”(Aidoo 1977:131)。


1。‘After consultation with the Commission for Racial Equality, among others, nine separate categories White, Black Caribbean, Black African, Black Other, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Any other ethnic group were decided upon’ (AngLygate 1995: 18). 2. Cherrie Moraga, ‘Refugees of a World On Fire’, Foreword to the second edition, Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldúa (eds)这座桥Called My Back
4。寻找母亲的花园,由妇女出版社在英国出版,1984年;首次由Harcourt Bracejovanovich于1983年出版,XII。
5. ‘However, if genealogies span centuries, can we undertake a genealogy of Black British feminism when the immediate history of concerted black feminist activity in Britain reaches back only over the last 50 years, over the relatively short time of postcolonial migration and settlement here?’ Heidi Safia Mirza (1997: 6).

类别:女权主义,,,,性别研究,,,,Literary Criticism,,,,俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播



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