
在整个西方的知识历史中,文明一直由野外,野蛮和动物主义建立,因此被其鬼屋或“顽强”。十七世纪和十八世纪的野人潜伏在稳固的欧洲启蒙文明的危险界限边缘。如果在十八世纪和十九世纪初期,奴隶制及其加速种族主义,都必须和使欧洲人流放非洲和新世界的动物,这将在19日末返回,成为19日末的恐怖原始黑暗的心:人们担心的文明可能只不过是一个既野蛮的欧洲“内心人”的贴面。大都市和殖民地的欧洲堕落理论,以及欧洲游客和定居者在热带地区“成为本地人”的能力,似乎使这种恢复回家。但是,在19世纪下半叶,野外即将消失的荒野失踪 - 以荒野的形式 - 通过美国的经历,导致1864年建立优胜美地谷作为世界第一个国家公园。

尽管人文本质主义的启蒙运动轨迹要求在其所有潜在和重新发明的形式中镇压动物和动物主义,但直到我们自己的世纪,在生态 - 胃的紧急情况下,许多非人类物种的灭绝,才能灭绝发生了这种基本关系的根本性重新绘制。Contemporary humanity, having materially destroyed vast areas of wilderness – and many other animals – is now routinely configured as spiritually hollow, as lacking the essence of the human through the repression, withdrawal, destruction or absence, rather than latent threat, of the ‘inner wild’. This repression is expressed, in both literal and spiritually refractive terms, as a result of the all too successful extermination of that earlier黑暗的心;因此,正是启蒙运动最初被驱逐出来的目的是构成人类文明(动物和动物主义),现在是矛盾的,因为它的本质,其内部核心。1

在当前对外部关系和内部关系的重新配置中,后殖民主义在提供洞察力方面有好处。后殖民主义的主要理论问题:他人,种族主义和误解,语言,翻译,同性恋,声音和说话和其他人的问题(仅举几例)为重新理解与人类社会有关的动物的位置提供了立即的入口。但是,欧洲主导的话语表示,在哲学和代表性上以动物为动物,通过将他人(人和动物)构建为主导地位。西方种族主义的历史及其与物种主义论述的统治;使用动物作为人类社会划分的基础;and, above all perhaps, the metaphorisation and deployment of ‘animal’ as a derogatory term in genocidal and marginalising discourses – all of these make it difficult even to discuss animals without generating a profound unease, even a rancorous antagonism, in many postcolonial contexts today.

此后,我们最初希望考虑四个例子,说明对动物地位的认真考虑似乎在根本上被人类(通常是西方,动物的部署)和动物主义者摧毁或边缘化其他人类社会的方式从根本上妥协了。首先,在不同时期的人类和文化一直被统治群体“像动物”对待,人类种族灭绝和人类的奴隶制都存在,在某些情况下仍然是基于将其他人分类为动物的分类。因此,在谴责人类种族灭绝和奴隶制时,我们几乎是不可避免地勾结的 - 尽管是倾斜或隐式的 - 因为人们可以残酷地对待动物,但不能像对待动物一样对待动物是可以接受的。这样做,我们也在小说中勾结物种边界2是固定的。尽管我们知道有些人认为“人类”的人被其他人称为“动物”,但我们使用的语言还是通过我们使用的语言来复制这种不可约性的小说。尽管我们认识到物种边界根本不是固定的,而是始终在时间和政治上有束缚,但由代表本身的过程不断地构建和监管。

动物的分类和贬义的动物隐喻的使用一直是人类语言的特征,通常与种族主义和性别歧视相关:“你愚蠢的牛”;政客们的“鼻子里的鼻子”;“男性沙文主义猪”。人类对其他人类压迫的历史充满了动物隐喻和经常部署的动物分类的实例,以证明剥削和客观化,屠杀和奴役的合理性。因此,人类和社会拒绝动物的相似和类比并坚持独立的主观性,这并不奇怪。提供一个特别相关的例子:当今非洲人的待遇与动物的待遇之间的任何直接或隐喻联系都是一个政治上危险的争论,无论明显的类比是什么。在她的1987年书中可怕的比较:人类和动物奴隶制Marjorie Spiegel面对这个困难的问题。那Spiegel很清楚她进入的雷区在标题中很明显(可怕的比较),以及包含序言爱丽丝·沃克,如果没有他的认可,斯皮格尔的比较,按照种族主义/物种主义联系的通常条款,可能会被视为令人发指的。但是正如沃克所写:

马乔里·斯皮格尔(Marjorie Spiegel)说明了黑人奴役(以及暗示,其他被奴役的民族)与过去和现在的动物奴役之间的相似之处。比较,即使对于我们这些认识到其有效性的人来说,也很难面对。特别是如果我们是奴隶的后代。或奴隶主。或两者。尤其是,如果我们以某种方式负责目前的动物治疗 - 参与动物研究(医学,口红,乳液)或动物饲养(食物,身体部位)的利润。简而言之,如果我们是他们的奴役和破坏,也就是说,如果我们在历史上的这个关头,那就是大师。(Spiegel 1988:9)

Spiegel’s comparison is hardly new, but her book when it first appeared in the 1980s entered a world much more conscious of the material consequences of representation and of the multiple uses made of the species boundary in racial genocide and racial vilification – uses that had created an even greater scepticism towards the comparison than before.

第二个问题是当在许多当代实例中,人类在竞争中因减少资源而与动物陷入困境。Peoples forced off their land to provide game parks for foreign tourists (or sometimes more insidiously included in ‘native’ displays as part of the local flora and fauna) understandably resent not just the implicit ‘animal’ comparisons, but also the physical presence of animals themselves. They are also likely to be particularly unsympathetic to western conservationist attempts at protecting endangered species from destruction, particularly so where conservation initiatives are in conflict with traditional indigenous hunting practices. But western exploitation, both past and present, has resulted in the murder, displacement and impoverishment of people, animals and their environments; and it has also generated apparently ‘either/or’ situations in contexts of land and resource scarcity or degradation.Emel和Wolch引用一个现代示例,建立了苏拉威西,“这需要从该地区驱逐大约700个家庭,其中许多人是土著贩子,由于其他印度尼西亚人的重新安置和迁徙的压力,已经被迫进入高地(10)。

任何试图在后殖民环境中审问物种边界的固有难度的第三类涉及的方式涉及在一个人类社会中具有特殊地位的动物的治疗方式用于侮辱,罪名或边缘化其他人类群体,例如,移民在西方社会中,这种对这些动物的看法有所不同。长老,沃尔奇和埃默尔(1998年)列举了全州范围内的狂怒和反移民情绪在加利福尼亚唤起了加利福尼亚的越南男人,他的妻子病得很重,并认为他可以以这种方式恢复健康。Cruel though this custom is, such ‘animal-linked racialisation’ (Elder, Wolch and Emel’s phrase: 73–74) works to sustain power relations between dominant groups and to subordinate immigrants, since, as the authors put it, ‘violence done to animals and pain inflicted on them are almost inevitably interpreted in culturally and place-specific ways’ (74). Such racialisations are both inappropriate and hypocritical in a society with abattoirs, scientific experiment, and commercial exploitation, and it is consequently ‘both difficult and inappropriate to characterise one type of harm or death as more painful or more humane than another’ (73–74). But as the authors also note, ‘this does not imply that animal suffering, agony and death are mere social constructs; they are only too real’ (74; emphasis theirs).长老,沃尔奇和埃默尔因此,对这种“动物相关的种族化”的批评是针对“对动物的所有“野蛮行为”的深刻重新思考”,以及所有在动物标志下“其他”的人(74)。

以前的所有示例明确或隐式提出了优先级问题。粗鲁地说,在这种情况下,第四个反对意见是:为什么要在孩子挨饿时担心动物,或者当其他人仍被杀害,强奸和虐待时?The answer to this goes back to the point with which our argument began: that while there is still the ‘ethical acceptability’ (Wolfe 1998: 39) of the killing of nonhuman others – that is, anyone represented or designated as nonhuman – such abuses will continue, irrespective of what is conceived as the species boundary at any given time. Nor are these ‘either/or’ matters. As African women writers in the 1970s reminded their male colleagues, some of whom wanted to prioritise anti-colonial nationalism over antipatriarchal女权主义,在“第一三”的方法解决此类问题中没有政治购买。他们必须一起进行3

转向代表性问题,因为它是动物的代表,而不是动物本身的代表,而动物本身一直以种族主义为共鸣,并且与消费者资本主义一起继续确定并维持今天的物种边界。这个边界正在转移和偶然性,但是我们大多数人仍然被赋予它的作用,它不断地重新绘制人类和猿猴灵长类动物之间的界限,或者以相反的举动,包括与我们自己一样的家畜(Fiddes(Fiddes)1992; Fudge 2008)。因为,史蒂夫·贝克(Steve Baker)(2001)争辩说,“我们的动物被表示为家庭或野生,好是坏,野蛮或驯服,勇敢或胆怯,在主要类别“动物”中,有进一步的分类命令,这些分类属于第一个,甚至违反了第一个。很容易得出结论,集体术语“动物”是荒谬的,并纳入了从orang-utans and Elephants到蚱hoppers和细菌形式的任何不承认的人类。

我们对动物的代表,尤其是目前的动物的特征是公然和未解决的矛盾(贝克2001)。贝克通过考虑他所说的动物的“明显矛盾”形象和动物主义在大众媒体的相邻文章中(167)来提高自己的观点。他讨论了两个这样的项目的讽刺位置:“性野兽笼”和“摇晃”,老朋友。The first item concerns ‘the return to jail of a man who had been “freed to prey on little girls”’, while the second is about ‘“Tripper the Wonder Dog” who had recently saved the life of his “master”’ (167). In accordance with the ‘conventions of the popular press, the dog’s praiseworthy actions are automatically humanised (and its image correspondingly anthropomorphised) while the sex offender can only be comprehended as beastly’ (167).


代表也证明对动物物种的破坏至关重要,并且是当代保护他人的核心。正如如今已灭绝的“塔斯马尼亚老虎”所表明的那样,这种小而相对无害的食肉动物的指定,尤其是在受欢迎的媒体中,作为“狼”或“老虎”,只帮助加速了它的灭绝(桨2000;Freeman 2005)。1999年塔斯马尼亚展览的徽标4通过描绘在崛起的月亮的背景下,这是一个重点,这是一个巨大的垂直而how叫狼的阴影,用于在前景中以小而脆弱的人物头,可怜的hand狗头的脚步。该图像将“老虎”的命运预示在人类的手中。它作为危险食肉动物的代表有效地封锁了其命运。

While cruelty, death or extinction are not the necessary results of the human representation of animals – many such representations are sympathetic or benign – it is difficult for animals to escape anthropocentrism because they exist in modern cultures much more in representation than in ‘the real’ (Baker 2000). Conservation legislation, and/or the treatment of particular species, often depend on public response to representation rather than to the animals themselves or their environments since, for most urban-based voters, there has been little or no experience of the ‘real thing’. Moreover, our training in ‘reading’ animals, from childhood on, tends to ensure that we interpret texts of all kinds about animals anthropocentrically, trapping them in distinct representational categories, e.g. animal-specific literary genres. Above all, most animals – though some more obviously than others – exist for modern-day populations as primarily symbolic: they are given an exclusively human significance, a ‘whole repertoire of metaphoric associations’ (Mitchell 1998:67),主要的,通常只有参考上下文和购买的领域是“人”。

1Sections of this introduction have already appeared (in slightly different form) as ‘Unjust Relations: Post-Colonialism and the Species Boundary’ in Greg Ratcliffe and Gerry Turcotte (eds) (2001) Compr(om)ising Post/Colonialism(s): Challenging Narratives and Practices, Sydney: Dangaroo pp 30–41.
2 The term ‘species boundary’ refers to the discursive construction of a strict dividing line between ‘human’ and ‘animal’ in terms of the possession (or lack thereof) of traits such as speech, consciousness, self-consciousness, tool use and so on. It is not being used in the strictly scientific sense (still arguably discursive) of Darwinian species differentiation based on the ability of individuals within a particular group to produce fertile offspring.
3有关这场辩论的叙述和评论,请参阅Kirsten Holst-Petersen,“第一件事第一件事:非洲文学的女权主义方法的问题”,1984年。
4“塔斯马尼亚老虎:胆碱的奥秘。”展览的图像是帕特里克·霍尔(Patrick Hall)。For more on the connections between representation – both written and pictorial – and extinction, see Robert Paddle, The Last Tasmanian Tiger: The History and Extinction of the Thylacine (Cambridge UP, 2000), and Carol Freeman, ‘Is this picture worth a thousand words? An analysis of Harry Burrell’s photo of a Thylacine with a chicken’, Australian Zoologist, 33.1:1–16. (A later debate between Freeman and Paddle can be found in Australian Zoologist, 34.4:459–70 and 271–75.

资料来源:后殖民的生态批评文学,动物,Gr足彩网女欧洲杯aham Huggan和Helen Tiffin Routledge 2010年的环境。



