

160216 _int_jhumpa-lahiri.jpg.crop.promo-xlarge2 实践、交流、联系和活动贴上跨国主义超越了国家空间。当代新自由主义全球化带来的文化对话。移民跨国活动整合多元文化,促进多元文化主义。全球经济和资本主义扩张的出现导致更多的移民和跨国主义的现象。人口过剩和贫穷的国家增压人们探索新的途径。当移民(低或高技术)从事跨国活动,他们创造的社会领域。这些字段链接他们原产地以及居住的国家。社会领域也是一个产品的互联性的经济、政治和文化活动。跨国主义整合多元文化带来符合主流文化同化。它还影响一个国家的决策框架。

学科和话语出现在一个国家的历史和文化背景。跨国主义创造了更大程度的个人之间的联系,社区和社会跨越国界。它将改变在社会、文化、经济和政治景观社会的起源以及住宅。它是一个移民的过程创建社会各领域,跨越了国界。移民、难民、民族侨民,公司网络,低和高技能的人组成一个跨国集团。两种文化的移民族群认同。这产生了用连字符连接的身份识别。两种文化之间的移民纠缠。自适应和同化模式进行比较研究,揭示了方差的印度移民的调整模式、生活方式和态度。这表明接收国家民族的发展促进文化整合。根据柯林斯词典的社会学、民族身份,来自股票集体的一个独特的历史。一种民族共享一个定义的传统和语言。少数民族形成不同的生活方式的成员发现自己的客人一个复杂的社会。尽管适应新的社会,移民民族保持特定的身份和文化多样性。 Indian immigrants living overseas recreate an Indian socio-culture wherever they live. Though they face the challenges to identity formation in a new environment, Indian immigrant retain the native culture. They get assimilated in the host culture. The immigrants/ ethnic groups are delocalized physically and geographically but remain attached to the old memories of the culture.Stuart Hall defines cultural identity in two different ways. The first one is in terms of a shared culture, ” a sort of collective ‘ one true self,’ hiding inside many other, more superficial or artificially imposed ‘ selves’ “(223). This “oneness” underlying superficial differences is the essence of identity that is
挖掘和代表在文学/电影。第二个是“成为以及“(225)。这种文化身份,根据厅,属于未来和过去。他指出,文化身份的历史和“接受常数转换”(225)。这些并不是永远固定在一些过去但受断裂和不连续的连续播放历史、文化和权力。过去继续说现在和构造通过记忆、神话、幻想和叙述。文化身份因此成为那些不稳定点的识别使历史和文化的话语(226)。文化定义个人行为变化的范围和重点。行为潜力非常宽的范围广泛的文化和美国一样。社会化的范围被限制在狭窄的文化像印度。 Family practices reflect and transmit values of a culture. Parents do not simply create parenting practices but conform to the learned practices that meet the expectations of the community. While the children of broad cultures modify the cultural pattern and assert their preferences, immigrants from narrow cultures are under greater normative pressure (as the parents demand conformity and obedience) (Arnett 618-620).


世界主义或transculturalism,因此,重新定义了一流企业。从种族运动到跨国主义设想世界透过文化视角(Cuccioletta 9)。圣雄甘地,国家之父,观察:我不希望我的房子在各方和围墙塞我的windows。我想要所有的土地上的文化对我的房子尽可能自由地吹。但是我拒绝被任何偏离了我的脚。(引用)担心,甘地在印度殖民背景下拥有地面即使在全球化的后殖民时期。文化有两个阶段的合成——deculturalization过去和一个混合物的新改造的新身份(grosu - 108)。身份和文化是民族的基石。当个人和团体解决民族问题的界限,他们重建的身份。民族的辩证法和新的文化重塑自我的不断演变和文化。种族不是简单的迁移的历史遗产,但民族过程的重新定义和转换内格尔(152 - 153)。 Identity, in case of the transmigrants, is the result of internal and external opinions. The socially defined array of ethnic choices open to the transmigrants produces a layering of
通过谈判的身份。这种组合重构身份(154 - 55)。民族的文化,它提供了意义,验证种族界限。文化不仅仅是一个历史遗产,但也是一个构造由于“挑选”和“选择”的货架上商品的过去和现在(162年)。这些文化建设技术定义的边界集体身份的移民(163)。复苏和修复的历史文化习俗以及修订和创新文化的振兴文化体验。移民因此发明了通过改造过去/现在的传统。

这些传统建立社会凝聚力。传统的改造包括建设或重建的仪式,实践,习俗和信仰(内格尔163)。全球化的进程,跨国主义有错位的现象/离开中心的文化以及国家认同。斯图亚特·霍尔概念化的身份区分为三个主题——启蒙主体、社会主体和后现代主义的主题。他认为启蒙运动是个人主义。在社会学的主体是一个持续的自我和社会之间的对话。身份,根据厅,针主体结构。他认为后现代性将话题转换成转移和分散自我现代性(597 - 598)。在缺乏民族识别、移民遭受深刻的主观的损失。国家身份通过侵蚀全球后现代文化的趋同性。 New identities of hybridity which arise in the contemporary times are in direct contrast to the local identities which resist the onslaughts of the processes of globalization (619). Jhumpa Lahiri portrays the problems engendered by migrancy such as displacement, fragmentation, crisis in identity and cultural dilemma in her novel同名。用精湛的触摸Lahiri谈判的困境躺在大陆的文化空间。她讲述印第安人在美国定居的困境。小说呈现出Lahiri作为移民的个人经历与加尔各答和她的联系。“作者的真实家园”形式组织中心的理解两种文化的对话的小说的话语(巴赫金105)。Lahiri使以下观察她的一个采访中伊丽莎白·法恩斯沃思:我认为,在某种程度上,这反映我观察到我的父母的经历和他们的朋友,他们的印度移民的朋友圈。也是,部分来自我自己的经历。我继承了一种损失从我的父母,因为它是如此的明显当我长大的时候,我父母所牺牲的感觉在搬到美国

同名揭示了孟加拉海关在加尔各答的细节在美国相对于他们的适应不同的文化。尽管这部小说处理生活在美国,孟加拉继续在虚构的景观形成一个重要组成部分。这部小说前景孟加拉命名的传统/实践(命名或洗礼仪式)作为一种文化认同的标志。同名孟加拉人的是两代人的故事在美国。索科早早和Ashima报告移民到美国在1960年代末。Ashoke来到麻省理工学院的研究生工程。两年后他回到加尔各答与Ashima一场包办婚姻。离开印度和解决在剑桥”连续排序”的感觉(Lahiri 49)。Ashoke他最好的适应而Ashima松树回家。Ashima持有传统价值观在美国生活的物质现实。她仍不受美国的多元文化环境。她坚持她的父母的话说——“不要吃牛肉或穿裙子或剪掉她的头发或忘记她的家庭”(37)。她的个人空间代表了第一代的感觉,充满了她关心她的家人。 Ashima’s life is quite similar to Nina (protagonist of Manju Kapur’s The Immigrant). She is in the role of :The immigrant who comes as wife has a more difficult time. If work exists for her, it is in the future, and after much finding of feet. At present all she is, is a wife and a wife alone for many, many hours. There will come a day when even books are powerless to distract. When the house and its conveniences can no longer completely charm or compensate. Then she realises, she is an immigrant for life. (Kapur 124)She looks after her family members. Though her loneliness decreases with the coming of her children, Ashima is unable to overcome her nostalgia for home. She keeps rereading her parent’s letters and cries on finding “no letters from Calcutta” (Lahiri 34). She preserves the “tattered copy of Desh magazine ” and “printed pages of Bengali type” (6). She does not want to raise her son Gogol alone in an alien country (33).

Ashima逐渐学会应对。为了克服她的痛苦和怀旧,Ashima去加尔各答的六个星期的旅行。但很快就意识到,被一个外国人”是一种终生怀孕——永久的等待”和“一个常数负担”(Lahiri 49)。Ashima选择坚持传统的着装方式,因为任何过渡服装意味着自我解体/破裂。她庆祝果戈理annaprasan(食用固体食物/水稻仪式)。Dilip南帝扮演Ashima的弟弟的孩子,喂他饭的“孟加拉的生活”(39)。她送他孟加拉语言和文化课程,去Kathakali舞蹈或锡塔尔琴独奏和定期访问加尔各答。Ashima想让(房子)加尔各答一个标记在她在美国外派经验。Ashima使果戈理记住泰戈尔写的诗歌。每个星期六她发送果戈理(三年级)学习孟加拉语类“祖先字母表”(66)。 She lets him watch the TV show Sesame Street in order to keep with the use of English in school. Though Ashima is rigid in her conventions, she learns to make sandwiches. She celebrates American festivals like Christmas and Thanksgiving for the happiness of her children. The newly arrived wives of doctors, teachers and engineers in Cambridge turn to Ashima for recipes and advice. They become friends as they all “come from Calcutta” (38).Ashoke and Ashima befriend so many Bengalis that at Sonia’s (their daughter’s) rice ceremony (annaprasan) they have to rent a building. These Bengalis get together not only on weekends but also on Bengali festivals and special occasions – name ceremonies, birthdays, pujas. They wear their best traditional attires on these occasions to revive their traditions in an alien land. The first generation Bengali immigrants construct a sense of community in America and perceive themselves as different (by their cultural and historical legacies). They refer to Bengal as desh. The first generation immigrant strike a balance between the past and the present by keeping the traditions and culture alive. The homing desire shapes their cultural identity in an adopted land (America).

920年x920 孟加拉语命名的做法(命名)也是一个文化认同的标志。每一个印度人,揭示了Lahiri同名有两个名字——公共和私人,好名字和宠物的名字,Bhalonam Daknam。她叙述了果戈理的经验成长的宠物的名字和一个好名字的地方(美国)这样的差异不存在。果戈理称之为“有史以来最伟大的混乱的象征”(118年Lahiri)。名称成为一个隐喻分裂的身份移民的孩子。随着果戈理的增长,他开始感到,他的名字是荒谬的和无关紧要。他认为这是最不可思议的同名,无论是印度还是美国“但一切俄罗斯”(76)。他想摆脱他awkard名字。这反映了他渴望放弃继承他的孟加拉父母的价值观。果戈理是Ganguli Nikhil上学的好名字。每当老师叫他Nikhil,果戈理感到害怕。 Therefore, he remains ‘Gogol’ in school. After Gogol’s instance, Ashoke and Ashima do away with the pet name for their daughter Sonali. Her good name and pet name remain same. Another child of Bengali immigrant, Moushumi also dislikes her name.

Nikhil和Sonali尝试创建自己的生活在美国。果戈理(Nikhil)开始与白色/美国女性的关系。他把私人生活秘密。Nikhil的父母从不怀疑他是一个美国少年。果戈理的妹妹索尼娅知道一切,但并没有告诉她的父母。果戈理和Sonali充当彼此的知己。他们互相帮助隐藏他们的社会关系从父母为了避免对抗。他们讨论的事情。这反映出一个缺口在父母和孩子之间的沟通。兄弟姐妹之间的纽带加强因为他们分享类似的混乱和同病相怜的感觉。 Sonali abbreviates her name to Sona and eventually changes it to Sonia. She gets trendy haircuts, goes to dances and has boyfriends in high school. While his parents wanted Gogol to be an engineer, doctor or lawyer, he likes architecture. Nikhil begins to live with Maxine in her parents’ “beautiful Greek Revival house” (Lahiri 188). He moves far away from his parents’ world. He avoids the group ABCD (American Born Confused Desis – acronym for US immigrants) as they remind him of the ways of his parents. He is reluctant to visit home on weekends and does not like to accompany his parents for Bengali parties (119). For the second generation immigrant, Gogol, the American way of life is normal. Therefore, eating beef, drinking, live-in partnerships and girl friends come naturally to Gogol. Both Gogol and Sonia dislike going to Calcutta to visit relatives. They yearn to get back to their western ways whenever they are in Kolkata. Moushumi also suffers the same lack of belongingness like Gogol and Sonia. She tries to find her roots in the third language and culture of France.The generation gap between father and son becomes more visible on Gogol’s fourteenth birthday. Gogol is fond of American music which is in sharp contrast to his father’s inclination to classical Indian music. Gogol’s aversion to Indian music shows the second generation’s indifference to Indian culture and tradition. Ashoke and Ashima discourage Gogol’s courtship with Ruth, an American girl. They distrust this relationship because they have witnessed marital disharmony and divorces in the lives of Bengali men married to American women. After the termination of his affair with Ruth, Gogol dates Maxine. He shifts to Maxine’s home to forget painful memories of his affair with Ruth. He detaches himself from his parents and gets disoriented. He becomes Nikhil for the entire world and remains Gogol only for the family.

他父亲的死亡,和解果戈理文化。Ashoke奶昔果戈理的死,让他意识他的孝顺的职责。果戈理飞往克利夫兰把他父亲的尸体。Ashoke仪式的死亡和哀悼的扩展社区孟加拉人调整果戈理。果戈理承认葬礼的相关性。他回忆起他父亲的去世后他的头发剃掉了他的祖父母。他学习的意义剃的头后,父母的死亡。作为一个年轻的男孩果戈理失望“素食餐”,他的祖父母去世后十天(180年Lahiri)。但果戈理放弃肉类和鱼类和吃哀悼者的饮食(只有米饭,木豆和蔬菜)在父亲死后十天哀悼。他回到他的家庭。 He tries to support his mother. He realises the cultural distance between himself and Maxine. Maxine is not the least affected by his father’s death. Gogol notices her self-centred attitude when she asks about his plan for New Year’s Eve during the mourning period of his father’s death. Maxine dislikes Ashima and Sonia. She wants Gogol to move away from them. This makes Gogol break his relationship with Maxine. After Ashok’s death, Sonia’s behaviour alters. Her relationship with Ashima undergoes a change. She starts staying at home to give her mother company.

放纵的性冒险导致关系的破裂。虽然果戈理是一个破碎的人,他说他守寡的母亲和姐姐,索尼娅,每天晚上。他在周末访问它们。有时,他开车去他父亲教的大学。他开始拜访他父母的孟加拉朋友的房子。果戈理帮助他母亲拆除彭伯顿路的房子。他感到难过,因为Ashima离开加尔各答。与他的父亲和母亲的死亡的离职果戈理的前景不舒服就没有人在他名字的果戈理:“世界上没有人叫他果戈理,不管他自己的生活,多久—果戈里。。从亲人的嘴唇消失。但一想到最终消亡提供了毫无意义的胜利,没有安慰”(289年Lahiri)。 The narrative shows Gogol maintaining distance from his origins but is unable to erase his background (past). Gogol, in the end, plays host at Pemberton Road – on the occasion of his mother’s departure – to his family’s Bengali acquaintances.

有一个对比的神圣家族传统第一代移民和美国第二代移民的生活方式。但这种代际冲突的过程涉及到搜索身份的国家和解。的二元性取向混淆果戈理但他父亲的死带来了新的自我和社会的认识和理解。国家之间不再烦恼他和果戈理接受他的矛盾心理。Ashima从来没有任何迹象显示文化的背叛。她生活在美国带来某些改变Ashima适应新的文化。她的道德和文化习俗不改变。她在公共图书馆的工作,让美国朋友。Ashima学会做自己的事情。她穿着纱丽的发髻,把她的长发。 She is not “the same Ashima who had once lived in Calcutta” (Lahiri 276). She misses Calcutta for thirty-three years but will miss her job at the library and the time spent in America on returning to Calcutta. Ashima feels the warmth of the country to which she had earlier resisted. She decides to divide her time between two ‘homes’ after her husband’s death. The struggle and in-betweenness strengthens the comprehensibility of self in both the generations. In an effort to construct identity every character participates in multiple identities and finally gets aligned with self/specific role. The sense of displacement in the immigrants is alternatively emancipation – a freedom to assert true self. Ashima’s transformation to a transnational figure is true to the meaning of her name, “without borders, without a home of her own, a resident everywhere and nowhere” (Lahiri 276). In the age of transnationalism immigrant identities are central to the nation building projects of both home and host society. The degree of belongingness and identity reinscribes boundaries of nation state. Transnationalism plays a key role in the globalized economy and political processes. It is a silent subtext that remains undocumented (Schiller 50,59). Lahiri’s novel decentres subjectivity, juxtaposes the ethnic and the transnational to rediscover the real self. The transnational turn connotes “exchange” between nations and marks a “return to roots” (Nanda 2).

文学编码“生活强度”(所使用的术语斯蒂芬·格林布拉特)提供一个关键镜头新兴跨国研究的趋势。识别带来的变化时候领土边界和世界文化(南达4)。文献揭示了跨国电流通过检查的影响侨民运动对人类身份(因为人们从一个地方迁移到另一个)。它也处理的失落感(国土,文化遗产),探讨了地理(隐喻)边界,进入“新民族修正和re-visions”(Sardar 184)。果戈理的行动和决定在现在可以评估,讨论和分析对他们未来的影响。Lahiri的叙述了远见到移民的文化实践找出新的意见未来跨国身份的可能性。同名探索未来的移民身份的一个有意义的评估。它提供了一个视觉的身份通过分层分析。这可能带来的改变人们的看法(跨国以及国家)。意识到过去是不可分割的一部分,现在和没有过去就没有未来可以刺激他们对集体的社会行动。一流企业会因此试图让他们现在与过去(184)。Lahiri连接的过去到现在提出一个可行的未来过去(174)承认和赞赏。

叙事表明身份建立在文化。迁移函数的不同的文化和民族。这导致一个争取排开的文化身份移民经验一个介于两者之间的情况。他们成为两种文化的俘虏,寻找替代品。这个任务是渴望解放以及自我实现结合特定的角色。这种扩散之间的边缘文化的过去和现在的产生新的跨国身份。均化和多元化之间的移民摇摆。而文化认同高度他们当地情况(符号、价值观和语言),全局上下文decontextualizes符号。连根拔起的过程导致损失的文化传统也使移民重新定义他们的身份豪泽(1 - 4)。

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