

20世纪,人们日益焦虑的是,现代性是文明、进步和理性的结合,而社会、历史和个人的构成与叙事的组织效果联系在一起。作为宏大叙事的凝聚,现代性的合法性、普遍性和统一性受到质疑。对现代性的假设、意义、排斥和压制的部分挑战出现在小说中,小说将叙事风格和关系并置,从而重新组织。的故事罗伯特·凯弗Pricksongs和Descants.(1969年),混合神话,童话和日常现实主义的碎片,暴露了铭刻文化的不同叙事之间的暴力和幻想的暴力结构,这是一个不可思议的叙事影子,颠覆虚构形式与叙述塑造之间的区别现实,家庭和身份。安吉拉•卡特他的小说有意识地混合了不同的形式,包括童话、传奇、科幻和哥特式,展示了叙事塑造现实和身份的相互作用,特别是在性意义的产生方面。她的英雄和恶棍(1969)使用未来反思文明和野蛮之间的区别。‘The Bloody Chamber’ (1979), like the other stories in the collection of the same name, plays with the ways fairytales, legends and Gothic fictions construct identities, fantasies, fears and desires, particularly in terms of female sexuality and desire: a young female speaker casts herself as a Gothic heroine on her marriage to an aristocratic libertine and voluptuary in the Sadeian mould. In echoes of Rebecca, the heroine discovers letters of the Marquis’s first wife. She turns out to have been a relation of Dracula. Further explorations through the Marquis’s precipitously situated castle lead to Radcliffean terrors in dark vaults, amid macabre instruments. Threatened by imminent death at the hands of her husband, a spectral and knightly figure rides to her rescue: the romantic hero is her mother. The play of absurdity and horror interrogates the narrative forms that structure fantasies and have real effects. In her novel霍夫曼博士的邪恶欲望机器(1972年),Carter通过使用弗洛伊德的不可思议的概念来看待现实和幻想的戏剧,而是写过整个社会形成。这个标题的神秘恶棍在世界表面上伸展了无意识,以便所有看法都是欲望的道路和更重要的方式改变和变异,所谓的实际法律不再适用。The narrator’s picaresque travels through worlds in which conventional distinctions of space and time, matter and spirit, reality and fantasy are irrelevant present different stories, myths and social and scientific principles to suggest that the world is fictional in its broadest sense, an effect of narratives, identifications, fantasies and desires that no longer bow to the grand narrative dominated by the reality principle. Encounters with strange peoples, with different customs, assumptions and attributes, open up singular notions of narrative, reality and identity to heterogeneous possibilities.

在哥特式小说恐怖和恐怖界依赖于他们所似乎的事情。在鼓励迷信的解释和中,通过叙述设备和通用期望,哥特文本始终沿着虚构形式和社会规则之间的界限扮演。在早期哥特式小说中的不同故事中的复杂组合中,迷宫复杂性最终能够提供其秘密,并产生驱逐恐惧对象的恐怖,恢复正常的界限。一个不可思议和令人不安的不确定性无,这一过程的阴影具有矛盾和不可能包含的不同意。在哥特式小说和电影中,这是这种矛盾和重复性,它被出现为一种明显反思的叙事焦虑形式。它涉及一个普遍的文化关注 - 表现为后现代主义者 - 事情不仅仅是他们似乎的东西:他们似乎是什么,而不是一个词,而不是一个单词或形象和东西的统一,但没有事物的单词和图像或自己自己,叙事形式的影响,别无他物。在任何现实,真实或身份中不稳定,未固定和未接地,除了叙述提供的人之外,有潜伏期的威胁,多个和迷宫叙事的新黑暗,人类神话再次溶解,面对不可思议的力量它的控制。

文本性的恐怖与无政府主义崩解或精神病溶解的普遍恐怖相关联。在一个令人印象深刻的哥特小说,玫瑰的名字(1980),umberto生态显示其崇高的文本形式。凭借自由的哥特式特征,如叙述细节中世纪手稿的发现,阴沉的设置,暗金库,神秘的死亡和通过它的中世纪建筑和历史,这部小说在启蒙理性和宗教迷信之间进行了区分。僧侣,巴斯克维尔的威廉和他的新手,叙述者,阿德索,在一个由一个伟大的八角形图书馆主导的十四世纪修道院的到来,这是一系列神秘和麦克风死亡的第十四世纪的修道院。被解释为神圣的天启或恶魔加工的迹象,死亡为迷信的修道院社区预测了更大的恐怖。Baskerville,因为他的名字表达,扣除扣除的权力,如Sherlock Holmes,并列出了对据说超自然恐怖的理性解释。


为豪尔赫代表笑声被称为真理和力量的敌人。然而,他对笑声的恐惧产生了他自己的非理性和不宽容的抑制行为。The violence that Jorge’s dogmatic and restricted order sanctions is, from the narrator’s identification with Baskerville’s position, shown to be the true object of horror, associated with the superstitious and tyrannical oppression that, throughout Gothic fiction, is linked to the injustice and cruelty of the Catholic Inquisition. Arbitrary, irrational and restrictive power is opposed by Baskerville’s enlightened and rational humanism. The invocation of enlightenment values that are produced and contested throughout Gothic fiction is made with a significant difference: truth and reason are no longer seen as absolutes or agents of systems of power. They are, instead, ways of reading in which texts are left open and plural, their play not subjected to a singular, restricted and partial—politically interested—meaning. Adso’s concluding reflections remain uncertain about his mentor’s motivations and ideas as well as the message that his own manuscript holds. The uncertainty, presented throughout the novel in textual terms, is repeated in a last anecdote of Adso’s later return to the Abbey whose library was destroyed in a great conflagration occurring as a result of Jorge’s and Baskerville’s confrontation. Amid the library’s ruins, Adso collects and catalogues some of the tiny fragments of books that remain: ‘at the end of my reconstruction, I had before me a kind of lesser library, a symbol of the greater, vanished one: a library made up of fragments, quotations, unfinished sentences, amputated stumps of books’ (p. 500).

玫瑰的名字提高文本形式的文本形式,其含义和身份的愿景,其含义和身份是患者和部分重建的影响,它意味着它所暗示的令人震惊的位置是一个被个人,社会叙述所培养的职位的令人震惊的位置和自然统一,同质性和全体。叙述的阴影,矛盾和戏剧,开放到碎片的文本瞥见是,在Alan Parker的电影中,天使心(1986),呈现的光谱和威胁的恐怖对象。Beginning in the manner of a 1950s detective thriller, with a corpse, the film’s opening image cedes to an apparently different narrative in which a down-at-heel private eye, Harry Angel, is hired to find a missing person by a mysterious client called Louis Cyphre. The investigation leads Angel away from a grubby New York: it takes him south to a world dominated by religious ritual and voodoo. In the course of the investigation Angel becomes the chief suspect for the murders that shadow it.

这部电影提出了一个神秘的笼罩的人物,血液填充碗和血染墙的闪回点缀:一个叙事,侦探故事,逐渐被恶魔般的遗忘逐渐涂抹。这是标志着叙事期望的完全逆转,叙述扭曲,虽然侦探类型的特征,但在这种情况下破坏了它。天使发现他是他一直在追求的罪犯。因为,在奥术仪式中提起闪回中的闪回,一个无辜的受害者,天使的心脏被摧毁并被那些假定天使的外表的罪犯吃掉了。这是这样做的,因此恶棍可以与魔鬼签订合同,取代他自己的灵魂。撒旦 - 'lucifer'以'louis yephre'-restogs的形式和名称来声称他到期,招聘了'天使'的目的。这个词戏剧揭示了电影的秘密,这是一个恐怖,被天使的认可。新的闪回,从电影前的早期复制场景,显示天使“犯下已经遮蔽了调查的谋杀案。它出现的第一个叙述已经构建了虚假的身份:就像镜子的镜头一样,身份证和狗标签整个电影中,它也是两种的。天使是侦探和犯罪,英雄和恶棍,追求,追求,欺骗和欺骗。 In the play of narrative deceptions bodies, souls, identities and roles are substituted for each other. In the movement between genres there is a diabolical process of deception displayed and performed, a process that multiplies meanings and identities to the point where nothing is what it seems but an effect of narrative appearances. The audience is drawn into this process, duped by the narrative play and robbed of a proper ending and solution to the mystery. The play of narratives is also a game of signs: Louis Cyphre is not only Lucifer, but Lu-cipher, the name that cracks the Faustian narrative’s code. The deciphering of the name draws the audience further into the narrative’s play of codes, signs and images. The play of words, of codes and ciphers, also encodes the film as a narrative game of ciphers and signs: it is just a matter of word-play. Signs and images are thus presented as diabolical and excluded, cast out in horrified recognition of the empty and superficial word-play that ends the film. Angel, the figure of duplicity, described as the closest thing to ‘pure evil’, is a transgressor who is simultaneously punished by diabolical law, for breaking the contract, and by secular law, for murder, condemned to burn in hell’s flames and the electric chair. Evil, presented in and as a duplicitous play of words, is thus displayed and cast out.



来源:Botting, Fred和Dale Townshend。哥特.伦敦:劳特利奇,2004年。





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