Analysis of John Donne’s A Hymn to God the Father

约翰·多恩(John Donne)作品的学者们继续寻找诗歌中的各种要素,以帮助他们的创作,甚至以参考诗歌的方式。由于Donne并没有为自己的诗歌命名,因此大多数冠军都源于他们的第一行。然而,父亲的赞美诗(1633)从主题中获得了其头衔。它与其他赞美诗的相似之处,例如赞美基督,似乎挑战了一个头衔,其开场节要宽恕,使其适合上帝或基督的赞美诗。对这首诗的三个六线节的仔细阅读,并带有传统的iambic五列表,揭示了为什么批评者得出结论,赞美诗是​​对父神的适当祈祷。

As the speaker asks forgiveness, he refers to the theory of original sin, committed first by Adam in the Garden of Eden, dooming all men to repeat that commission: “Wilt thou forgive that sin where I begun, / Which is my sin, though it were done before.” In these lines, Donne makes clear that although worshippers may wish to blame Adam and Eve for the sin, they must take credit for their own sinful acts. The speaker continues, “Wilt thou forgive those sins through which I run, /And do them still: though still I do deplore?” Donne repeats the verb do to emphasize again the active nature of sin. He also requires those who sing the hymn to admit their own hypocrisy, as they “do” their sins “still,” even thought they hate the fact that they continue. In the final line of the first stanza he inserts a play through paradox on the worddone,extending his use of the verb “do”: “When thou hast done, thou hast not done, / For, I have more.” The speaker admits to the deity to whom he prays that when the deity is “done” forgiving him, he is not truly “done,” as the sinner will continue to commit his sins. Typically of Donne, most words consist of a single sentence, simplicity in format producing a carefully planned effect.

In the second stanza the speaker pursues the same topic, as Donne employs repetition often seen in hymns. He asks again:

Others to sin? And made my sin their door?

该节比第一个更强烈地强调说话者的罪过的程度。演讲者不仅犯了罪,而且还带领其他人犯了罪。Donne采用了隐喻的象征性语言(言语),使用一扇门代表他为他人带来罪恶生活的入口。演讲者显然还重复了以前的罪过,可能在过去被原谅,但回到了困扰他。Donne选择动词wallowed事实证明有效,清楚地表明了罪人拥抱他的罪。期限wallowis often attached to animals such as pigs, which enjoy rolling in mud and slime, sometimes composed of their own waste. Donne clearly connects men’s baser instincts to those of animals, suggesting that without God’s grace, men would be no better than such irrational beasts. The speaker repeats the final two lines of the first stanza, which act as a refrain for those singing; “When thou hast done, thou hast not done, / For I have more.”


第三节节偏离了以前的质疑模式,首先是“我有恐惧的罪”。正如演讲者描述他的罪过的那样,多恩对隐喻的使用特别有效:“当我旋转 /最后一个线程时,我将在岸上灭亡。”他采用了旋转的图像,可以在几个层面上为这首诗增添意义。首先,Donne评论了自己的写作文学活动,因为旋转传统上与讲故事有关,即“旋转纱线”。其次,对女权主义的批评家感兴趣,对佩内洛普的神话人物的旋转行为。作为奥德修斯的妻子,她每天不得不编织葬礼裹尸布,然后在晚上将其拉开,以使求婚者待在湾区,因为她任性的丈夫回家了。她不断摧毁自己的日常工作,最终什么都没有创造,因为罪人可能每天都会犯有破坏性的行为。最后,Donne还建议蜘蛛编织网络,这种结构永远不会持续很长时间,但必须经常重建。如果说话者旋转网,他每天都会在徒劳地追求幸福中重复相同的行动。


在这一点上,演讲者问他向他祈祷的那个人:“自我发誓,在我去世时,你的儿子 /将像他现在闪耀的那样闪耀。”如果他是信徒,这一誓言将取消演讲者的恐惧。提到亚伯拉罕在最后一个节中的承诺,也使学者可以将赞美诗描述为父亲的介绍。此外,演讲者引用了“你的儿子”,意思是基督,这一参考文献仅在说话者向上帝讲话时才证明是适当的。在某些较旧的版本中,这个词桑妮使用,在阳光明媚的建议中允许双重含义;没有太阳的温暖,人就会灭亡。然而,在新约中,基督作为上帝的儿子也被多次引用,是向人揭示真理的光明,允许多恩暗示智慧,实现或知识引起的闪亮。演讲者得出结论:“这样做,你就做了, /我不再害怕了。”在这里,唐恩反思了以前的台词,宣称当上帝宽恕罪人时,他没有“完成”,因为罪人将继续犯罪。但是,基督作为救主的应许消除了说话者的恐惧。没有恐惧,他将不再犯罪,上帝确实是“完成的”。

Gardner, Helen, ed. John Donne: The Divine Poems. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969.
Grierson,H。J. C.,编辑。约翰·多恩(John Donne)的诗。2卷。纽约:牛津大学出版社,1912年。



