
The sublime is a central category of aesthetics in romanticism. It was a major topic of aesthetic theory in the 18th century, especially in England and Germany, but its inauguration as a topic was due to the translation by Nicolas Boileau (1636– 1711) of Longinus’s third-century treatise催眠期(海拔)在1674年成为法语。这个词升华is Boileau’s translation ofLonginus的高度或高程,它卡住了。

从柏拉图开始,美丽一直是美学和哲学兴趣的常年对象。但是,崇高是不同的东西,首先,这种差异对朗尼努斯,然后是boileau,然后是18世纪的理论家和哲学家(Edmund Burke,Hugh Blair,Immanuel Kant和Georg Wilhelm Friedrichm Friedrichm尤其是黑格尔)和跟随他们的19世纪诗人。boileau创造了著名的短语“ je ne sais quoi”(从字面上看,“我不知道”)来描述是什么使某物造就了崇高的东西 - 强大的,也许是压倒性的,但不符合某些既定类别,就像我们的那样,我们认为我们认为这是如此美丽作为和谐(例如)。

We have to distinguish between two aspects of the sublime in order to see what was novel about the modern account of it. Longinus’s treatise was about style in writing. He collected and considered passages that filled the soul with exaltation (the “elevation” of his title), passages which might interrupt the reader’s unfolding experience of the work in which they appeared to stand alone in their power. For Longinus, such passages characterized Homer especially, as in Ajax’s great prayer for light in theIliad众神突然用薄雾和黑暗使他们蒙蔽了双眼之后:“宙斯神父 - 将我们的军队脱离云, /给我们一个明亮的天空,把我们的视线还给我们!/至少在一天中杀死我们所有人”(17.645,由Fagles翻译,Longinus在9.9时对待)。阿贾克斯祈祷不是生命,而是光明。Longinus将这一段落与《创世纪》和《光的创造》作为第一件事的开头进行了比较。崇高的不是语言问题,尽管可能是,而是灵魂的伟大,而朗尼努斯(Longinus)写道:“黑社会中的阿贾克斯(Ajax)的沉默比言语更伟大,更崇高”奥德赛((11。543). One definition Longinus gives, therefore, is that “Sublimity is the echo of a great soul” (9.2), and it finds an echo in its perceiver, as can be seen by how even the father of the gods, Zeus, responds to Ajax’s prayer for light, “So he prayed / and the Father filled with pity, seeing Ajax weep, / He dispelled the mist at once.” (Iliad17.728–730, Fagles translation) For this reason, the central hallmark of the experience of the literary sublime, and the insight most quoted from Longinus, is that it is “as if instinctively, our soul is uplifted by the true sublime; it takes a proud flight, and is filled with joy and vaunting, as though it had itself produced what it has heard” (7.2).

灵魂的提升是痴迷于现代理论家和诗人的目标。Longinus归因于写作的力量(即对世界和人民的描述)的提升,但现代人归因于世界本身的力量以及写作的力量。阿贾克斯(Ajax)的沉默在现实以及荷马的发明上都是崇高的。光本身是崇高的。亚历山大·波普(Alexander Pope)著名地说,朗尼努斯(Longinus)是他所吸引的巨大崇高,批评家受到所有缪斯女神的诗人的启发(关于批评的论文,,,,3.675–680), a description which captures both the sense of the sublime as occurring in exalted response to what is perceived and the idea that what can be perceived is an object in the real world—Longinus himself and not just the purely textual literature that exalts its readers.

The turn to the natural sublime characterized its 18th-century theorists, most importantly Edmund Burke (1729–97). HisPhilosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful(1757)仔细区分了两个术语以及它们引起的美学响应。根据伯克(Burke)的说法,美丽的愉悦感纯净而简单。乐趣是对和声的看法之一。头脑以一种不会引起焦虑而可以使其宁静和自然地使用其教职员工的方式感知美丽的物体。美丽是平稳,比例和渐变的问题。

另一方面,崇高并不能获得乐趣,而是delight。对于伯克来说,喜悦绝不是愉悦的同义词。尽管它比愉悦更强烈(也常见),但这种强度来自这样一个事实,即崇高与痛苦,危险和焦虑相关,但不是愉悦。崇高的经验是强烈的欣慰之一。它与像阿尔卑斯山或大峡谷这样的场景相关联,因为我们的第一个本能反应是恐惧之一。我们认为可能杀死我们的高度或深度。然后我们回想起我们的有利位置是比较安全之一 - 它们可能会杀死我们,但他们不会。喜悦是我们感到的崇高的欣慰:我们因某些强烈的负面热情而淹没了,我们已经康复了。崇高的刺激是遭受和克服的危险。这不是积极的愉悦,而是一种对危险的更激烈和喜悦的经历。

因此,崇高与晦涩,恐惧,不确定性,速度和类似经历有关。但是它如何在文学中起作用?对于伯克(Burke)来说,首先描绘了崇高的崇高场景,因此展示了(用朗金斯(Longinus)的话来说)的道路,其中作家的灵魂被他或她所看到或想象中的东西崇高。但是,在这本书的令人着迷的尾声中,朗金斯(Longinus)谈到了文学如何成为崇高的起源,而不仅仅是其录音机的起源。有一种文学作品击败了读者的想象力,并威胁着心理的自信心,就像崇高的自然现象一样。对于伯克来说,崇高的英国作家是约翰·米尔顿(John Milton),他可以通过他的语言突然而压倒性的力量将自然的描述变成崇高的描述,这使R击败了Representational他的读者的能力,但没有cognitive能力。Burke’s example of the type of transformation that Milton makes his language undergo is a profound one: “To represent an angel in a picture, you can only draw a beautiful young man winged: but what painting can furnish out anything so grand as the addition of one word, ‘the angel of the Lord’?” Painting cannot do it, but literature can fill one with the exaltation of the unrepresentable.

伯克对崇高的想法掩盖了德国哲学家伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)的伟大哲学待遇审判的批评(1790)。对于康德来说,美丽也是和谐的,尤其是与思想的感知能力和谐相处。但是崇高的人击败了这些学院,康德将其描述为双重运动。我们认为某些东西超出了我们的感官直觉或模仿代表的力量。与自然世界相比,我们被阻塞和困惑,突然感到自己一无所有。从这种不知所措的感觉中,思想转向了其先验的愿望,其基本承诺不是我们很少的“经验世界”,而是对我们想象的世界,超越了我们的思想参与的经验和思想。我们对外界某些物体的无法衡量的力量感到震惊,但是我们有内在资源来衡量绝对的大小或力量。世界可能很大,但它是有限的。思想可以构想无限的,这是其适当的家。因此,正如威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth前奏,1805年版,第6卷,LL。538–539​​)在一段段落中描述了他对封锁经历的反应,在他的写作中被蒙上薄雾,就像阿贾克斯向宙斯祈祷的雾气消散一样。

自然界中的崇高使思想回到了康德所说的“超敏命运”,并展示了我们如何超越似乎陷入困境的世界。失去权力withinthe world leads to a gain of power in our relation to the world. This is the central and perennial theme of romanticism, to be found in all of Wordsworth’s and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s great philosophical poetry; in Percy Bysshe Shelley; and in their greatest Victorian followers, especially Robert Browning and, in America, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickinson. Loss leads to a perception of intensity, and that perception is what gives rise to poetry, both in the poet writing it and in the reader reading it. The intensity of the romantic sublime and its precursors, especially Milton, is one of the greatest glories of English literature.

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De Bolla, Peter. The Discourse of the Sublime: Readings in History, Aesthetics, and the Subject. New York: Blackwell, 1989.
De Man, Paul. The Rhetoric of Romanticism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1984.
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Hertz, Neil. The End of the Line: Essays on Psychoanalysis and the Sublime. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985.
Hegel,G。W. F.美学:美术讲座。2卷。由T. M. Knox翻译。牛津:克拉伦登出版社,1974 - 75年。
康德,伊曼纽尔。审判的批评。由Werner S. Pluhar翻译。印第安纳波利斯:Hackett Pub。公司,1987年。
僧侣,塞缪尔·霍尔特(Samuel Holt)。崇高:对XVIII世纪英格兰的关键理论的研究。安阿伯:密歇根大学出版社,1960年。




  1. 谢谢先生。非常有帮助..

