分析Coleridge的Kubla Khan

Along with The Rime of the古代水手库布拉汗is one of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s two most famous and most-quoted-from poems. Originally written in either 1797 or 1798, it was not published until 1816 (along with克里斯蒂娜)。科尔里奇(Coleridge)解释其作品的情况的长篇笔记也应该被视为这首诗的一部分。他在那里解释说,他正在以一位伟大而著名的诗人的要求 - 拜伦(Lord Byron)出版,他以他的名声代表科尔里奇(Coleridge)代表自己的出版商进行干预 - 尽管这只是一个碎片。他说,这是一个片段,是因为整首诗在服药后在一个梦中遇到了一个梦想,大约300行,而当他被著名著名的人打断时,他开始写下来。和未透露姓名的“来自Porlock的人”。一个小时后,他几乎忘记了所有诗的其余部分。


In a 1955 essay on inspiration, writing in the romantic tradition, the great French critic Maurice Blanchot, observed that we usually think of inspiration as the pathway to literary work, but that, in fact, the work is a pathway that seeks to regain and to understand the inspiration that it has lost. Coleridge awakened from his reverie and tried to return to it in his poem. That return only half succeeded: As Coleridge notes in the preface, the poet sought “to finish for himself what had been originally, as it were, given to him” but failed. He quotes, and in a later revision misquotes, the Greek poet Theocritus: The misquotation may be translated as “I shall sing you a sweeter song tomorrow” (and not the originally correct “another day”), a subtle allusion to the quotation from the Roman poet’s Virgil’s own allusion to Theocritus in theEclogues威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth亲密颂歌:“ Paulo Majora Canamus”(“让我们唱歌更高的东西”)。Coleridge says in his preface to “Kubla Khan” that this “‘tomorrow is yet to come,’” which means both that it will never come and that it belongs to the futurity, which is just what poetic inspiration promises and where it promises to be found.

因此,问题是:这首诗在多大程度上关于,,,,or to what extent is the preface in accord with the poem? Here we should look to poem’s ending, to the dream vision that occurs之内诗人的梦想。如果我们认真对待序言所呈现的框架叙述,我们必须说,科尔里奇从未见过他在最后一个节中描述的阿比西尼亚女仆。这首诗从整体上传给他,虽然它可能它并不代表本身外部的其他经验。“所有图像都在他面前升起事物他在序言中说:“在没有任何感觉或努力意识的情况下,用相辅相成的表达方式产生。但是阿比西尼亚女仆的零碎记忆

这首诗的完整标题应召回:Kubla Khan:或者是梦中的愿景。碎片。这种零碎的视野或记忆发生在他的梦中。女仆不是在场,而是失去的视野是在鸦片或梦中发生的他。他声称的这首诗全部出现在他身上,没有付出的努力,事实证明这是它的高潮通道,这是一种未达到的渴望,即恢复这种愿景,即序言哀叹Coleridge在Coleridge之后无法复活Porlock的人的访问。关于最后一个节所说的是,如果他能复兴女仆的愿景,他可以写下“音乐大声又长时间 - 就像他现在想写的关于Xanadu的诗一样写。请记住,这首诗不是在片段上的小说中,这是我们或本来会或没有中断的诗。即使在无法获得的状态下,“ Kubla Khan”据说“ Kubla Khan”也是Coleridge曾经想到的那样,也是一首无法写出他远见上远见的伟大诗歌的诗。这就是“ Kubla Khan”的意思:这是一首关于只能写诗意片段的诗的片段。

从这个意义上讲,这首诗应与其他伟大的浪漫诗进行比较,尤其是科尔里奇自己的诗沮丧:颂歌和华兹华斯的亲密颂歌前奏,which begins with Wordsworth lamenting that he is unable to write the poem that he wishes to write, and that The Prelude will exist to some extent, but only to the extent that the failure it recounts is real, and so it fails to be the poem he wishes to write. This is not an arid paradox but a deep and central element of the romantic conception of poetry: that what makes it haunting is an absence or phantom that can never be grasped or attained, and that this phantom is itself the spirit of poetry—that is, the “Spirit of Solitude” (as Percy Bysshe Shelley puts it inAlastor,his own reworking of库布拉汗)。

因此,我们可以用扬琴作为缪斯本人,是诗意灵感的来源。她似乎在远见上col脚,她的交响曲和歌曲给了他一些他可以保留的东西,而是他可以尝试复活。音乐的半记忆是使他写作的原因。他的写作是试图将这种记忆带入无法实现的丰度。他的诗是试图记住失去诗歌经历的强度的激烈经历。如果他成功,他将回到失去的纯粹诗歌或纯粹的审美经历的天堂。但是,即使在约翰·米尔顿(John Milton)的诗歌中,也没有这样的天堂,因为所有美学经历都是基于损失的。正如法国诗人查尔斯·皮埃尔·鲍德莱尔(Charles-Pierre Baudelaire)所说的那样,唯一的天堂是丢失的天堂。损失是条件,实际上是诗歌的实质,尤其是当诗歌哀叹的遗憾时。

序言的库布拉汗仅说明了这首诗的真实词:科尔里奇(Coleridge)的句子在他点点头时,塞缪尔(Samuel)购买了1613年的探险家书籍,Purchas His Pilgrimage。购买(Coleridge引用记忆中的引用)的段落引起了这首诗,是梦想诗背后的事实,这是一个字面上的事实,这是恢复的梦想,将完全缩减。我们的原始词引发了这首诗。使它很棒的是它忘记了这些话的方式,即使它为忘记了。相反,它成为一首关于试图恢复它们的诗,或试图恢复灵魂在初次回应它们时的感受。灵魂听到“祖先的声音预言战争”(第30章),不是因为这首诗是关于战争的,而是因为它是关于一个骚动,永远无法因其目标而无法安息。诗人将永远经历动荡,总是听到给他或她没有和平的预言。Kubla Khan的创建Xanadu本身就是这首诗创作的形象,即“稀有装置的奇迹”(l。35),其中包含在其中无法触及的心灵无法触及的不可扁平的洞穴和无阳光的海洋。(科尔里奇(Coleridge)在这里想到了希腊哲学家柏拉图,但我们可能会想到西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)对所有人的健忘神话的类似援引,除了剩下的昏暗的情感之外,还唤起了所有人。

It is therefore telling that Coleridge invents a river, Alph, based probably on the Sicilian river Alpheus, which features prominently in classical mythology (particularly Ovid) but which, Coleridge knew, had no connection whatever with Xanadu or any other place frequented by Kubla Khan. The sacred river that runs through caverns measureless to man and all the way to the sunless lifeless sea of death is the alphabet (the word comes fromαbeta,希腊字母的前两个字母);因此,Xanadu是这些字母的创造,这些字母是如此神秘地融合在一起,以制作这首诗。这不是一个真实的地方,而是一个只能在描述它的单词中存在的地方,甚至不存在。困扰着诗人并试图跟随河流的幻影并没有将他带回Xanadu,而是通过它,通过尝试和未能描述它的诗。

弗兰克(Frank),罗伯特(Robert H.纽约:诺顿,1988年。
Freud, Sigmund. “The Uncanny.” In The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. 17, 219–256. London: Hogarth Press, 1953–1974.
Lowes, John Livingston. Road to Xanadu: A Study in the Ways of the Imagination. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1930.
Parker, Reeve. Coleridge’s Meditative Art. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1975.
Swann, Karen. “‘Christabel’: The Wandering Mother and the Enigma of Form.” SIR 23, no. 4 (Winter 1984): 533–553.


类别:Literary Criticism,,,,Literature,,,,诗歌,,,,浪漫主义


