
发表于1907年8月号斯克里斯特的这本中篇小说展示了伊迪丝·华顿微妙的现实主义,是她描写美国人在法国的作品之一。这本书讲述了范妮·德·马里夫(Fanny de Malrive, née Frisbee)的故事,她曾经是一个自由奔流的纽约人,现在嫁给了一位法国侯爵。像华顿笔下的几个女主人公一样,范妮被困在一段不幸的婚姻中,受到巴黎郊区圣日耳曼贵族的“神圣制度”的束缚(229)。与放荡的丈夫疏远后,她爱上了约翰·达勒姆,她年轻时在纽约的一个朋友。她希望嫁给达勒姆并返回美国,但她担心她信奉天主教的丈夫会拒绝离婚,并可能要求对他们的儿子——家族头衔的继承人——享有监护权。


Cynthia Griffi n Wolff notes that the “mannered complexities” of the French aristocracy are “captured in the perverse and elusive nature of the lady whose name gives the story its title” (134), while R. W. B. Lewis asserts that Fanny de Malrive “enacts another, Paris-based version of Edith Wharton’s dominant theme. She has escaped New York only to be imprisoned within a disastrous marriage—an entrapment more complete than anything Wharton had contrived for the women in her American tales” (166). Shari Benstock believes that the novella “reveals the dark underside of old Faubourg life and satirizes the naïveté of Americans hoping to break through its class prejudices and papal customs” (158). In this respect, the novella uncharacteristically denounces a culture that Wharton was drawn to and usually praised.

伊迪丝·沃顿。de Treymes夫人。在沃顿:中篇小说和其他作品。纽约:美国图书馆,1990年。
Wolff,Cynthia Griffi n。一个词的盛宴:伊迪丝沃顿的胜利。纽约:牛津大学出版社,1977年。



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