

正如评论家戈登·韦弗(Gordon Weaver)观察到的那样,这个关于莉吉娅(Ligeia)的强大故事,可以解读为一个关于疯狂或神秘的故事(Current-García 67)。莉吉娅是一个意志坚强的女人,她希望自己在叙述者的第二任妻子罗威娜(Rowena)的身体里复活。显然,叙述者对莉吉娅很着迷。当他向读者回忆他与莉西亚的关系时,他再婚后对待他的第二任妻子很糟糕。我们注意到坡对叙述者的鸦片嗜好和他和罗威纳住的城堡公寓中过度丰富的、感官上的阴郁的描写,但却被叙述者对莉西亚的描述迷住了。悬念逐渐增加,只有当我们看到莉吉娅进入罗威娜的身体时,我们才意识到故事中提出的许多问题。

埃德加·爱伦·坡/ Pinterest

Poe留下了这个故事的许多细节神秘和未解决的故事。例如,叙述者不能记得Ligeia的姓氏,也不能记得他们遇到的城市的名字;在不朽的爱情的叙述中,这些失误似乎很奇怪。他可能确实生气,他可能确实遭受了鸦片的极端影响,大多数读者都可以接受Ligeia的幽灵和她在另一个人的身体中重新出现。通过那些解释,故事仍然是悬念的悬念,恐怖,令人着迷的男性。Yet another interpretation is possible, however, from a feminist viewpoint: If one understands the narrator’s tone in much the way one understands the tone of the Duke in Robert Browning’s later poem, “My Last Duchess,” Ligeia’s character becomes the reason for the narrator’s anger as well as madness. Her erudition, her brilliance, her voluptuousness, as well as her forceful personality may well have plagued her husband until he had no choice but to kill her. Moreover, many critics have pointed to the poem-within-the-story as performing a function similar to that same device in “The Fall of the House of Usher.” Indeed, the “Conqueror Worm” of the husband’s poem in “Ligeia” has both phallic and murderous connotations. Having killed the strong wife so odious to him, the narrator may then have used Ligeia’s fortune to buy the castle and marry her foil. Viewed in this way, Ligeia, as does Madeline Usher, becomes the avenging woman who refuses to allow the narrator a peaceful moment, underscored with his hysterical, desperate calling of her name at the end of the story.




Current-Garcia,尤金。1850年以前的美国短篇小说。波士顿:Twayne, 1985。
5月,Charles E. Edgar Allan Poe:在短小说中的研究。波士顿:Twayne,1991。
埃德加·爱伦坡。“Ligeia。”《美国文学选集》,第三版,保罗·劳特编辑。波士顿:Houghton Miffl, 1450 - 1461。


