
cll.png. 通过新批评者提倡解释文学作品的技术,密切阅读来自(我是理查兹的实际的批评(1929)和威廉·伊斯本斯的七种类型的歧义(1930)。Endorsing the concept of “autotelic text”, that a text is a unified entity, complete in itself, and containing meaning without any reference to external evidence such as the author’s intention/history, biography or the socio-cultural condititns of its production, the New Critics, Wimsatt and Beardsley cautioned against the fallacies of judging a literary work based on the author’s intention or its impression on the reader, what they called “intentional Fallacy” and “Affective Fallacy”. Instead, close reading focuses on the formal aspects or the verbal/linguistic elements of a text such as figures of speech, images, symbols, interaction between words, rhythm and metaphor. The form of the work is said to be a “structure of meanings”, in which an organic unity is achieved by the play and counterplay of “thematic imagery” and “symbolic action”. In a successful work of literature, the linguistic elements manifest tension, irony, ambiguity and paradox, to achieve a “reconciliation of diverse impulses” and “an equilibrium of opposed forces” to protect the work, according to Cleanth Brooks, from the “heresy of paraphrase”. While the New Critics proposed close reading to highlight the unity of a work, poststructuralists endorsed a deconstructive close reading to reveal the fissures and disunities within a work.





    1. 新的历史与文化唯物主义 - 文学理论与批评笔记俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播

