
Alterity来源于拉丁语alteritas,意为“存在他者或不同的状态;多样性、差异性”。它的英语衍生词有alternate, alternative, alternation和alter ego。alterité这个词在法语中更常见,它的反义词是identité(约翰逊和史密斯1990:xviii)。

哲学家们采用这个术语,作为“他者”的替代品,以反映西方对意识与世界关系的看法的变化。自笛卡尔,个人意识被视为意识的特权出发点,“其他”出现在这些[后后]哲学中出现,作为一名宣传学问题(XIX)减少了“其他”的哲学。That is, in a concept of the human in which everything stems from the notion that ‘I think, therefore I am’, the chief concern with the other is to be able to answer questions such as ‘How can I know the other?’, ‘How can other minds be known?’ The term ‘alterity’ shifts the focus of analysis away from these philosophic concerns with otherness – the ‘epistemic other’, the other that is only important to the extent to which it can be known – to the more concrete ‘moral other’ – the other who is actually located in a political, cultural, linguistic or religious context (xix). This is a key feature of changes in the concept of subjectivity, because, whether seen in the context of ideology, psychoanalysis or discourse, the ‘construction’ of the subject itself can be seen to be inseparable from the construction of its others.

othering.jpg 文学理论家通常认为最具影响力的使用alterity在Mikhail Bakhtin作者如何摆脱与角色的认同(托多罗夫1984)。小说家必须从内在理解他或她的性格,但也必须把他或她视为另一个人,有别于其创造者。重要的是,对话只可能与“他者”在一起,因此在巴赫金的表述中,他者性不仅仅是“排斥”,而是一种作为对话先决条件的孤立性,在这里,对话意味着跨文化、性别、阶级和其他社会类别差异之间的移情。这与他的“外化”或“外在”概念有关,这不是简单的异化,而是作者理解和塑造角色的先决条件,是对话本身的先决条件。


进一步阅读:巴巴1984b;Fazzini 2004;哈里斯2004;约翰逊和史密斯,1990;Slemon 1987 b;Taussig 1993;托多罗夫1984。



